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Popular procedures

Nose Correction

Nose correction, also known as rhinoplasty, is a surgical procedure that reshapes and enhances the appearance of the nose. It can also address functional issues, such as breathing difficulties. The surgery is performed by skilled plastic surgeons with expertise in facial anatomy and aesthetics.

Epidermis Surgery

Epidermis surgery involves procedures that focus on the outermost layer of the skin. This may include treatments for various skin conditions, such as removal of moles, warts, or other lesions. Skilled dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons perform these procedures to achieve optimal results.

Breast Correction

Breast correction procedures encompass a range of surgeries aimed at enhancing the appearance of the breasts. This may involve breast augmentation, reduction, or lifting. These surgeries are conducted by experienced plastic surgeons who prioritize both aesthetics and patient well-being.

Men's Surgery

Men's surgery includes a variety of procedures tailored to address specific aesthetic concerns in men. This may involve treatments like liposuction, gynecomastia surgery, or facial procedures. Board-certified surgeons specializing in male aesthetics perform these surgeries.

Fat Correction

Fat correction procedures target areas of localized fat deposits, often resistant to diet and exercise. Liposuction and other techniques are employed to sculpt and contour the body. Experienced plastic surgeons use advanced techniques for safe and effective fat reduction.

Thin Correction

Thin correction procedures focus on enhancing body contours for individuals seeking a fuller appearance. This may involve techniques like fat grafting or implant placement. Skilled surgeons prioritize natural-looking results and patient safety.

Breast Implants

Breast implant surgery is a popular procedure for women seeking to enhance breast size and shape. This involves the placement of saline or silicone implants. Board-certified plastic surgeons use advanced techniques to achieve desired results with a focus on safety and aesthetics.

Skin Correction

Skin correction procedures encompass a range of treatments aimed at rejuvenating and enhancing skin texture and tone. This may include procedures like laser therapy, chemical peels, or microdermabrasion. Experienced dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons perform these treatments.

Removal of Tartar

Removal of tartar, also known as dental scaling, is a crucial dental procedure to maintain oral health. It involves the removal of hardened plaque deposits from the teeth. Skilled dentists and hygienists perform this procedure to prevent gum disease and maintain healthy teeth.

Removal of Tartar

Removal of tartar, also known as dental scaling, is a crucial dental procedure to maintain oral health. It involves the removal of hardened plaque deposits from the teeth. Skilled dentists and hygienists perform this procedure to prevent gum disease and maintain healthy teeth.


Anesthesia is an essential component of many dental and surgical procedures. It ensures patient comfort and safety during treatments. Experienced anesthesiologists or trained dental professionals administer anesthesia tailored to each patient's needs and procedure requirements.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a popular cosmetic dental procedure that lightens the natural color of teeth. It effectively removes stains and discoloration. Skilled dentists or dental hygienists use safe and effective whitening techniques to enhance smiles.

Caries Removal

Caries removal is a vital dental procedure to treat cavities and prevent further decay. It involves the removal of damaged tooth structure and restoration with fillings. Experienced dentists use precise techniques to preserve tooth health and function.


Dental crowns are custom-made caps that cover damaged or weakened teeth, restoring their strength and appearance. This procedure is crucial for preserving teeth with extensive decay or damage. Skilled dentists craft and place crowns with precision and care.

Gums Treatment

Gums treatment involves various procedures aimed at maintaining healthy gum tissue. This may include deep cleaning, gum grafts, or other periodontal interventions. Experienced periodontists or skilled dentists perform these treatments to support overall oral health.

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are prosthetic devices used to replace missing teeth. They are anchored to adjacent natural teeth or dental implants. Skilled dentists or prosthodontists design and place bridges to restore functionality and aesthetics to the smile.